中部 日本みつばちの会

Our Sosiety

Chubu (the central ) Japanese Native Honeybee Society.

The Japanese Native Honeybee

“Apis cerana japonica” is the wild species native to Japan . 
Japanese native honeybee keeping is on record 643. After the importation of the western honeybee on 1877 , the number of the native honeybee keeping and The Japanese Native Honeybee are dramatically decreasing ,because of the small honey put out .

Our common thought of the society

We love the small Japanese honey bee, without limit .
Because of their wonderful works through the keeping , even small size insects create the huge works.

Our mission of the society

We are aiming the protection, keep and reproduction of the Japanese honeybee .
We are holding in common about all the information .We promote mutual friendship .


We use the nest of boxes to keep the honeybee as the gently for the environment .
We treat the beginners to keep the honeybee, suitably .
Even the residential area ,we recommend the beehive should be, the new beekeeping and the schedule for the year . Also , we help the essential tools in the keeping , show the how to apply the natural enemy . Of course , we show you how to get the fine honey .

Extra activities

The volunteer work for the protection of the environment .